Suffering from lower back pain? Consult with your osteopath to determine if spinal decompression is right for you and ensure proper execution of the exercise. Certain conditions may not be suitable for this treatment, so always check with us.

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Prone Pillow Decompression Stretch

This exercise is to be done off of your bed or a table at home. It will help illicit decompression of the lower back.

1) Get a pillow and lay it on the bed/table.
2) Lie on your stomach and situate the pillow in your pelvic region and situate yourself so that your arms and head are hanging off the bed.
3) Stretch your arms and head downwards towards the floor.
4) Take deep and long breaths when you are doing this exercise.
4) Hold this position for 30-60 seconds. After a couple of days of beginning this exercise if you may hold the exercise for up to 2-3 minutes.
5) Complete this exercise for 20 minutes with 1-2 minute break between stretches.
6) You should feel a nice light stretch in the lower back and this will help allow decompression. If you feel an excessive amount of pain, stop the exercise.
7) If you do not feel the stretch you may add another pillow.
8) If after adding the pillow you still do not feel a stretch then you may add weight and hold onto it as you hang off the table.
9) Complete as needed throughout the day.


Differential Diagnosis